I Have Some News…

Firstly, apologies for it being so long since I last posted, but I do have a good reason, which is…

I have a new job! This blog post is coming to you from a new location as the new job involved a slightly big move! The whole job application process was long and there were many times ready to give up and live in my parent’s home forever. Then I got an interview which led to me landing a job with Harrods – my first, real, long-term writing job! As I’m writing this, I’ve just finished my first week and I can already say I really enjoy it. Now it’s just a case of getting to know everyone and settling in!

I was sad to leave Bristol and never expected to be doing a house move like this so soon after uni, but it’s an amazing role! So, here I am on a Sunday morning, sitting in my new two-bedroom flat in London, next to my new flatmate (and long-term friend) and watching Gilmore Girls.

The bad news is that I won’t be able to post immediately as that is our flat doesn’t have wifi yet! By the time you read this I’ll be two weeks into the job and going out of my mind after trying to survive that long without internet… God bless tube stations and their free wifi.

Here a just a few more moving-house issues that we’ve been dealing with:

  • Having to watch every episode on a boxset DVD as we don’t have the remote to skip forward to the point where we stopped watching.
  • Having an organised but messy floor storage system while living without a chest of drawers in my bedroom.
  • Returning home to a furnace and waking up in Alaska as we attempt to work out how to use the central heating.

My life has recently been filled with packing, unpacking, organising, commuting and goodbyes! One of the biggest things I still need to sort out is transferring my CF care from London to Bristol, finding a new doctors surgery and pharmacy. Adding to my list of things to do and creating a slight inconvenience, is my port. It recently stopped working due to its age and this means I’ll need it taken out. (As I haven’t used it for IV’s in five years, they aren’t planning to replace it). However, this surgery will have to wait as I don’t want to take time off work so soon, but when it does happen I’ll write a post all about it!

So that’s my current situation, summed up in a 500-word blog post! Stay tuned, as I will eventually have wifi and be able to post regularly again! I’ve already got a post about job interview tips and a book review ready to go!


// Beth


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