2019 Resolutions

You might be thinking that it’s too far into the year to start considering resolutions but really, it’s never too late to make some new goals! (Plus I wrote this 2 weeks ago and forgot to post it.) Whether we are two weeks, two months or half way through the year, resolutions can be positive short or long-term changes that you can put into effect anytime during the year.

Resolution. A firm decision to do or not to do something; the quality of being determined” – Oxford Dictionaries

People’s mistake is often making unrealistic goals, or making too many, so consider what you really want to achieve and what you are willing to work for and make a goal that you know you can complete. Setting goals that you won’t meet not only puts a bad spin on the start and end of the year, but also dampens any achievements you do make.

Here are the resolutions I’m making for the year:

Rejoin the gym – This isn’t some crazy fitness goal, it’s simply to renew my membership which I let expire at the end of 2018. I just want to make sure I stay fit and well, improving general fitness and helping my lungs at the same time. (And I’ve already started going!)

Read more books – Since moving to London I’ve been reading less, which is crazy seeing as I spend two hours a day sat on tubes. I used to read a lot, so this year I want to get back into the habit of picking up a book instead of listening to music on my commute.

Save money – I think this is everyone’s long-term goal whether they write it down as a resolution or not! London is expensive but I’m setting myself stricter rules to stop buying things that I don’t use so that I can actually save some money instead this year.

Fit in extra medication – Here’s one for the CF aspect of my life and this will probably be the hardest to achieve as I know what I’m like – if I can get away without taking something, I will! But seeing as I had to have my first admission in six years, it might be time to step up and do a little bit more. This means taking an inhaled antibiotic twice a day, every day – something I only semi-committed to last year.

These are the main goals I’m working on during 2019, but I also hope to explore more of London, visit a couple of new cities and countries and learn some photography skills on the side too.

Let’s see if I succeed! What are some resolutions you are working towards?


// Beth

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